Neuropsychiatric Investigation
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The Treatment of a Patient with Intravenous Lipid Emulsion Infusion after Amitryptiline Overdose which Caused in QRS Interval Prolongation: A Case Report

Filiz İzci, Servet İzci, Emrah Acar, Vedat İzci

(Neuropsychiatric Investigation 2015; 53: 37-40) DOI: 10.5455/NYS.20160328093429

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Suicidal Behaviour Attitudes Among Nursing and Midwifery Students

Hülya Arslantaş, Filiz Adana, Hacer Harlak, Mehmet Eskin

(Neuropsychiatric Investigation 2019; 57: 6-12) DOI: 10.5455/NYS.20190215102533

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Suicide Attempts among Male Prisoners with Substance Use and Non-Users: The Role of Depression and Hopelessness


(Neuropsychiatric Investigation 2020; 58: 9-14) DOI: 10.5455/NYS.20200709044345

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