Neuropsychiatric Investigation
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Guillain Barre Syndrome: A Retrospective Study of Ten Years

Yahya Çelik, Kemal Balcı, Talip Asil, Ufuk Utku

(Neuropsychiatric Investigation 2004; 42: 51-54) DOI: -

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Guillain Barre Syndrome: A Retrospective Study of Ten Years

Yahya Çelik, Kemal Balcı, Talip Asil, Ufuk Utku

(Neuropsychiatric Investigation 2004; 42: 99-104) DOI: -

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Frequency of Polyneuropathy in Recently Diagnosed Lung Cancer Patients: A Prospective, Clinical Study

Nilda Turgut, Erhan Tabakoğlu, Kemal Balcı, Gündüz Altıay, Osman Nuri Hatipoğlu, Ebru Çakır, Gamze Varol

(Neuropsychiatric Investigation 2004; 42: 164-167) DOI: -

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EISSN 2792-0070