Neuropsychiatric Investigation
Case Report

False Allegation of Child Sexual Abuse: Five Cases Associated with Maternal Psychopathology

Neuropsychiatric Investigation 2016; 54: 16-20
DOI: 10.5455/NYS.20170801021625
Read: 907 Downloads: 778 Published: 01 September 2016

The most allegations of child sexual abuse are true but false allegations aren’t rare. Few false allegations cases (age range from 1,5 to 6 years) will be presented which related to maternal psychopathology. In addition, aim of this report was to discuss characteristic findings of cases. All cases investigated by Cukurova University Medical Faculty Child Abuse Teem. All mothers had paranoid psychosis and two cases were been diagnosed as shared psychosis. Intentional false allegation by a child is very rare case, it occurs with the effect of an adult, generally. The most common reasons of false allegation by a child are the pressure or routing of an adult, and subsequent memory problems. The cases presented herein disclosed after physical examination and continuous questioning periods of their mothers with paranoid psychosis who thought the child was abused sexually. Psychiatric evaluation of parents may be useful during medical process of child sexual abuse cases.

EISSN 2792-0070