Neuropsychiatric Investigation


Neuropsychiatric Investigation 2015; 53: 1-2
DOI: -
Read: 778 Downloads: 680 Published: 01 May 2015

Dear readers of the New Symposium,

We left behind a rewarding year. Our journal has been published without interruptions and will continue to do so.

I am largely grateful to the journal secretariat and to the reviewers who have been extremely supportive along the past year, the names of which are listed below, as well as to everyone who contributed, including the authors and above all, to you, our dear readers.

We are certain that the New Symposium is holding a notable space in today’s highly competitive scientific arena. I’m looking forward to your valuable contributions, which I hope will continue to accelerate.


Prof. Dr. Kemal Arıkan, Editor

Period 2014-2015 List of The Reviewers

Ercan Abay
Yakup Albayrak
Ahmet Hamdi Alpaslan
Özge Atay
Emel Erdoğan Bakar
Koray Başar
Yasin Bez
Murat Beyazyüz
Nurullah Bolat
Ömer Böke
Feridun Bülbül
Veysi Çeri
Esra Özdemir Demirci
Ömer Faruk Demirel
Erdem Deveci
Sultan Doğan
Serdar Dursun
Hacı Murat Emül
Engin Eker
Ayten Erdoğan
Mustafa Güleç
Sinan Gülöksüz
Ayşegül Gündüz
Tayyib Kadak
İsmet Kırpınar
Neşe Kocabaşoğlu
Ahmet Kokurcan
Mehmet Murat Kuloğlu
Fulya Maner
Caner Mutlu
Serhat Nasıroğlu
Serap Oflaz
Elif Oral
Halil Özcan
Armağan Özdemir
Cana Aksoy Poyraz
Burç Çağrı Poyraz
Gökhan Sarısoy
Yavuz Selvi
Melis Sohtaoğlu
Mine Şahingöz
Ömer Şenormancı
Kamile Tombul
Fevziye Toros
Şenol Turan
Ömer Uysal
Alp Üçok
Süheyla Ünal
Murat Yalçın
Abdullah Yıldırım
Ejder Yıldırım

EISSN 2792-0070