Neuropsychiatric Investigation


Neuropsychiatric Investigation 2015; 53: 0-0
DOI: -
Read: 753 Downloads: 899 Published: 01 October 2015
The effects of the awful event in Ankara on October 10, 2015 gripped our souls, in entirety. The nation is passing through a dark and twisted road.

This period requires a calm search for constructive solutions based on sciences, among which Psychiatry holds an indisputable and unique place. Intervening in a crisis consists of accelerating social support systems, stimulating socialization through techniques like group therapy and supporting the relevant individual defenses such as affiliation, to begin with.

Our first obstacle is the lack of vision and the fear which may reach out to the level of paranoia. For this reason, the best strategy would be ensure free flow of information and to demand this from the authorities, exclusively.

A general recommendation of suppressing the event and related suffering would be a big mistake.

It’s time to come together.
EISSN 2792-0070